Increase Your Online Visibility with Eightfold’s SEO Services

Growing your audience means growing your business.

Increase your website’s traffic with a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy from Eightfold. When your website reaches the top of search engine result pages, you reach a valuable pool of potential customers looking for your products and services.

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What Comes With Professional SEO Services?

SEO is a deep and ever-changing field. Not only is the competition hot, but search engines are always changing their algorithm to better serve information to searchers.

Because of this, SEO plans must include continual changes to beat the competition and stay on top of changes. There are two ways we do this. Technical SEO and on-page SEO.

Technical SEO.

  • Improving sitemap
  • Finding duplicate content
  • Improve meta descriptions and alt texts
  • Improving site loading time

SEO starts with competent technology. A fast, well -organized site will make your users and search engines happy.

On-Page SEO.

  • Selecting title tags
  • Researching Keywords: Intent, difficulty, and volume
  • Writing helpful and interesting content
  • Adding internal and external links

We create industry-appropriate SEO content strategies that cater to the search engines while providing real value for your users.

Why Is SEO Important?

There are over 1 billion websites online. Each of them vying for people’s - and search engine’s - attention. How do search engines choose which sites get the top results that stand out to users?

There are 5.9 million Google searches per minute. Behind each of these searches is someone looking for information, researching a product, navigating to a certain page, or making a purchase. Being at the top of the search results will attract more clicks - and potential customers - to your website.

To get the coveted first spot you have to put in the work. This is where SEO comes in. SEO helps make your hard work visible by giving search engines what they need to find and understand your website.

What About Local Or Small Businesses?

Maybe you’re a business owner who just wants to rank for location - specific searches. “Restaurants near me”, “best SEO services in Prescott, Arizona”, etc.

Local SEO is a style of SEO that focuses on increasing results in specific regions. This is done through tools like Google Business Profile and building location-specific content.

Grow your local business with Eightfold’s local SEO services.